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Category: SEO

Articles on How to do SEO for your website or e-commerce

SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimization, more commonly known as search engine optimization.

They are the set of tasks and elements to take into account to be found on the Internet.

Normally we focus on what we want to position is our website, although we must also take into account that there are more possibilities, such as SEO for a store or products for a store. Marketplace such as Ebay or SEO for a local business in tools that involve geopositioning, such as TripAdvisor for restaurants or Booking in the case of accommodations or in the case of the hotel itself. Google My Business to appear on maps.

Even among the articles that you will find here, most of them are to position our website, blog or virtual store, which should be the main element to position since it is our property and, therefore, we have full control over it.

img-3 The importance of SEO search intent to improve your SEO

Search intent in SEO is essential to understanding what users are searching for on Google. There are two main types of search intent: informational and transactional. The former seeks information on a topic, while the latter seeks to take an action, such as buying a product. Optimizing content based on search intent helps improve rankings […]

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