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Learn how you can create your own web portfolio and use it to present your skills, experience and achievements in an engaging and professional way.

Categorías:  Autor: Diego C Martin 

What is a portfolio website and how can it help you stand out online?

A web portfolio is a website that functions as a digital collection of works and projects carried out by a person or company.

It is usually used to showcase skills, experience, and achievements, and can contain information such as biography, education, work history, and featured projects, among other relevant items.

A web portfolio can be used by freelancers, artists, designers, writers, photographers, among others, as a tool to present their work in a professional and attractive way online.

Read on to find out everything you need to know about web portfolios!

What information can be included in a web portfolio?

  • 🎓Biography and education
  • 💼Work history and featured projects
  • 🎨Work samples, such as designs, photographs, or web projects
  • 🏆Information about skills, certifications and services offered

Some web portfolio examples?

  1. A graphic designer might have a web portfolio that includes samples of their work, such as logo designs, posters, brochures, and websites. It could also include information about your educational background, software skills, and work experience. Example: Freelance Graphic Designer Madrid. Adriana Gallegos
  2. A photographer could have a web portfolio that presents their best photographs in different categories, such as portraits, landscapes, events and product photography. It could also include a bio, information about their services and pricing, and testimonials from satisfied customers. Alberto Schommer
  3. A web developer might have a web portfolio that showcases some of their most outstanding projects, such as websites or applications they have developed. It could also include your work experience, technical skills, and relevant certifications. You are looking at a portfolio website of someone who is dedicated to this world and digital marketing.
  4. A writer might have a web portfolio containing some of their most outstanding writings, such as articles, essays, and short stories. It could also include information about your education, work experience, and available writing services. Teo Palacios
  5. An artist could have a web portfolio that shows some of their artworks, such as paintings, drawings or sculptures. It could also include information about your educational background, previous exhibitions, and techniques used in your work. Jeffrey Ellis

What language is it and how does “portfolio” translate into Spanish?

The word “portfolio” is of English origin and is commonly used in the field of business, art and education.

In Spanish, it is usually translated as “portfolio” or “presentation folder”, although in some specific contexts the word “portfolios” may also be used.

The term “portfolio” is used to refer to a collection of work or documents that are presented as a sample of skills, experience, or achievements in a given area.

For example, an artist might present a portfolio with their best artwork, while a marketer might create a portfolio showcasing their most successful advertising strategies.

Start creating your own web portfolio today and start standing out!

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